
Future Voters

On the 4th I overheard my 2 oldest kids discussing the election as they set up matchbox race tracks. The conversation went along these lines:

"So, Lauren, who do you think should be president?" from Justin (8).

"What are their names again?" from Lauren (6).

"Obama and John McCain. Now, John Mcain is very old. He will die very soon after becoming president."

"How old is the other one...Beramo?"

"Obama. He is young, so he will live for a long time."

"Well, that seems better to me."

"Yes, I agree."

And with that, it was back to racing cars.


No Hobo Allowed

So apparently dressing as a Hobo is not the best costume for the area I live in. First of all, why couldn't they just leave my leaf alone!! I had one bobby-pinned in my hair as an added effect and I cannot recount the number of people who looked at me- too big of trench coat, shoes with a hole in them, cut off gloves, and dirt smeared on my face (okay, it was makeup), and would say- "um, hold still, you have a leaf in your hair." Really? I had no idea.

I did slightly pity the one lady who said to me in a kind voice- "oh you look so cold." I wanted to say- "hello- it's halloween!" But I gamely pointed to my knapsack on a stick behind me with a smile. She blushed and mumbled something about seeing my gloves and looked away- and an absurd idea popped into my head: does this woman really believe that I am a homeless individual rigning her up at the register?! Surely not. So, I clear my throat and say "I'm a hobo, for halloween." The light of comprehension dawned. "ohhh, a hobo." Sigh.

A regular asked- "So what are you dressed as? A customer?"