
No Hobo Allowed

So apparently dressing as a Hobo is not the best costume for the area I live in. First of all, why couldn't they just leave my leaf alone!! I had one bobby-pinned in my hair as an added effect and I cannot recount the number of people who looked at me- too big of trench coat, shoes with a hole in them, cut off gloves, and dirt smeared on my face (okay, it was makeup), and would say- "um, hold still, you have a leaf in your hair." Really? I had no idea.

I did slightly pity the one lady who said to me in a kind voice- "oh you look so cold." I wanted to say- "hello- it's halloween!" But I gamely pointed to my knapsack on a stick behind me with a smile. She blushed and mumbled something about seeing my gloves and looked away- and an absurd idea popped into my head: does this woman really believe that I am a homeless individual rigning her up at the register?! Surely not. So, I clear my throat and say "I'm a hobo, for halloween." The light of comprehension dawned. "ohhh, a hobo." Sigh.

A regular asked- "So what are you dressed as? A customer?"


Bryan said...

Apparently the homeless situation in our town is so good that nobody knows what one looks like. I still think you should a cup out and taken some money from the idiots who didn't know it was halloween.

Chris said...

You should have cut them with your hobo knife!

Kayla Jo said...

hahahaha!! i love that!! it made me giggle prefusely[?] [: i miss you!! i'm alwaysss heree!!! i love you!!!