
I remember, I remember

I miss simplicity. I remember when my greatest worry was if I would really get a spanking for walking passed the deep ditches near our drive even though Mom couldn’t know. She did. I did. There was almost relief even in the pain because it showed that the world made sense, it did what was expected- it followed the rules. Granted, not all people had childhoods like mine, but there was a comforting predictability midst all the changes of growing up. I remember when the world was black and white, and not a myriad of grays; when saying ‘I love you’ didn’t have to be explained or doubted (and never forgotten), just accepted; when I knew my purpose: I was going to be an astronaut, a writer, a lawyer, a missionary to the deep jungles of Africa where I would be martyred at a young age (so I wouldn’t have to live beyond 45- which was old), and…okay, it changed, but in each time I knew what I was going to do or be, I knew my purpose with out doubt in that moment. Like a broken record, like a dog chasing its tail… purpose and me. Round and round we go, over and over again. Then I grew up. Grew up? I’m still doubtful about that, but…wait, see there? I’m doubtful. Aha! Anyway, being classified an adult has shown me how little I know, how little is certain, how few rules are followed, and that the universe does not make sense and can never ever remotely fit in a nutshell. In some ways it is a relief. I lived in a narrow world that was only partially real and as a result judged others by that narrow standard. But there was always hope and trust. Maybe I exchanged too much when I left childhood behind. Perhaps I was meant to hold on to those beautiful things and only set aside the naivety and pre-conceived ideas but instead I let the whole thing go. The good news: it isn’t over yet.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

They Key i've found is to everyonce and awhile completely throw out the rules of adulthood and ask your inner child what they would do, in certain situations that aren't that serious. Like taking an adventure sometimes whether you have the spare money or not. But im just a big kid sometimes so what do i know.